How to use blockchain to store data?
Oct 22, 2024 | by cs | Unfortunately the technology that allows you to store files in the blockchain has not yet been invented, so in the text below is described the frontend of such technology, also soon will be released the second part of the backend of the project
Unfortunately the technology that allows you to store files in the blockchain has not yet been invented, so in the text below is described the frontend of such technology, also soon will be released the second part of the backend of the project
Blockchain can easily store data without taking up space on your computer. For this purpose blockchains like Ethereum or Solana are not suitable, you need to write a special blockchain in the transactions of which you can include files, that is, for example, you want to download a photo from a website file, when you click download, a transaction is processed, which will include your wallet address and the file itself, then if you want to open this file, you just need to enter a special program using the wallet that you specified when downloading, the program should display all transactions of this blockchain, then you need to go to the profile where you will see all the transactions that you have made, and find the one you need, and all you have to do is just open the photo, you can do the same thing with your files as you can do through file explorer on your computer
To begin with, understand how this technology will be used, it can be a program on a computer or a device like a USB stick, the best option is of course a USB flash, but in principle it is not important, and in general we can talk about programming languages, and a lot of other things, but in this article we are talking about the frontend
Let's better discuss how blockchain cryptocurrency will be used, of course we can make a coin that is worthless but it is boring, so we need to make something like bitcoin satoshi, for example, the basic coin is worth $10 and is called roll, 0.1 roll, will be worth $1 and is called rollmini, 0.01 roll, will be worth $0.1 and is called rollminimini, 0.01 roll, will be worth $0. 01 and called rollminiminimini, 0.001 roll, will cost $0.001 and called rollminiminiminiminimini, 0.01 roll, will cost $0.01 and called rollminiminiminimini, 0.0001 roll, will cost $0.0001 and called rollminiminiminiminiminiminimini, and so on, that is, to use this technology you will need money, it is not terrible because to download 1000 files will cost about $10 - $20, (if all figures are approximate)
But how will the transactions be processed? This requires miners, but given that the commissions per transaction will be very small, how will they make money, and why would they even spend their time on this? The main income of the miners will not be on commissions, but on mining the roll coin (if anything roll is just an example). Also we must take into account that the circulation of the coin should be limited, so we need to do so: (figures approximate) at the time of launching the project will exist for example 1B coins but every 50 years will be automatically added another 10M coins to the circulation, it will happen as halving, and no one can not affect it, by the way about halving, he will also be here
The end! Part 2 is coming soon, it will be about the backend of the project