How did the money come to be?

Oct 31, 2024 | by cs


Today almost everything can be bought with money, how did we get to this point, and is money a good solution to the problem? Here is the problem: For example, a farmer needs cloth, he goes to the dude who has it and says let me give you some plants (or other farm stuff) and you give me the cloth in return, the problem is that the one who has the cloth doesn't fucking need the farm stuff. the solution to this problem was that both parties to the trade needed an asset that everyone needs, namely money. And then you all know, first there was gold, then various other variants of modern money, in fact, the modern version of money is like Esperanto among languages, the only difference is that money is popular

Now let's talk about what other options there might be. Although, what could be other options, at any rate needed an asset that everyone needs, could be only variations, for example, the place of silly papers Argentine steaks

The article came up short, but nobody cares