The Illusion of "Direct Line": Putin's Staged Interaction and the Realities of the Ukraine Conflict

Dec 19, 2024 - 5:52 PM EST

The "Direct Line" with Vladimir Putin, an annual event where, as the Kremlin claims, the Russian president answers questions from his citizens, once again raises doubts about its authenticity. On December 19, 2024, Putin began his speech with a striking comment that can be interpreted as an admission of manipulating public sentiment to maintain power:

"When everything is calm, stable, and smooth, we get bored; we want some action - when we have action, it seems like horror." (Putin, "Direct Line", 2024)

This statement, brought to the forefront of the "Direct Line," raises questions about whether the military actions in Ukraine, which Putin refers to as a "special military operation," are not only a strategic move but also a means of diverting public attention from domestic issues, creating "action" in times of peace.


The Staged Nature of "Direct Line"

The format of "Direct Line" is designed to portray Putin as a leader accessible to the people. However, behind the scenes, questions are pre-selected and edited to avoid uncomfortable topics:

Questions focus on economic stability, regional development, but the emphasis is always on positive aspects or those where the state's active actions can be showcased.

There are no questions criticizing Russia's actions in Ukraine or addressing the casualties among Russian soldiers and civilians in conflict zones.

The Ukraine Conflict: Quotes and Realities

When speaking about the war, Putin tries to highlight Russia's successes and achievements, avoiding direct mention of human losses:

"Russia is the fourth-largest economy in the world, the situation is stable and secure, and GDP growth significantly outpaces that of the US and Europe." (Putin, "Direct Line", 2024)

However, the realities of the war in Ukraine paint a different picture:

The loss of life and destruction in Ukraine are not directly mentioned, creating a dissonance between official rhetoric and the actual situation.

Putin emphasizes the "inevitability" of the conflict for defending national interests but does not explain why these interests require such human sacrifices:

"When everything is stable and smooth - we're bored, stagnant, we want action. As soon as action starts, with bullets whistling by our ears, unfortunately - we get scared." (Putin, "Direct Line", 2024)

These words might imply that military actions could be used as a way to keep the country tense, giving people the sense of an enemy to fight against, thereby strengthening support for the leadership.

"Direct Line" with Vladimir Putin remains a powerful propaganda tool where through carefully curated questions and answers, an image of a stable, confident Russia is shaped. However, Putin's quotes, especially those concerning the need for "action," might suggest that the conflict in Ukraine is possibly used not only for political ends but also for managing public moods within the country.

This article highlights how crucial it is to critically assess official information, especially when it comes into conflict with the real human suffering and losses that war brings.

Note: Putin's quotes are taken from the context of the 2024 "Direct Line" discussion, based on information from posts on X, but do not include direct links to these posts in accordance with information usage policies.